Media vs. Media: #thehashtagrevolution.

Due to citizen journalism, the channels in which we consume our news are multiplying. People are looking towards the internet and social media in order to stay up to date with current affairs, which eradicates company bias’s affecting the news that is presented to us, and may alternatively exposes us to other individual bias’s. We are looking to each other for content rather than looking to the ‘trusted’ media authorities, the ‘gatekeepers’ of content.

So what does this mean for traditional media platforms?

Does this mean we will lose media channels that have existed for decades? Probably. Newspaper companies are already struggling to keep up with today’s technological advances, which also has a spiralling effect on the millions of careers that exist in these traditional media fields.

The consistency of demand and supply of the internet is hard or competing media platforms to keep up with, and in turn can expose legacy media for providing false information, leaving audiences unsure of who to trust.

While citizen journalism can also contain false information, it is assisting audiences in questioning the reliability of the source, as well as allowing them to look at a story from various points of view.



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One thought on “Media vs. Media: #thehashtagrevolution.

  1. thetremendousunknown

    Hi Misha,
    I liked your podcast, don’t be afraid to add soft background music or sound effects! After reading your blog post for this week and listening to your podcast, I started to think about if the readership numbers had changed for traditional, authoritative media platforms such as newspapers in Australia. I did a quick Google search and came across this study
    The numbers are very interesting, it would appear that for most newspapers their readership increased each year, I believe this study does include online viewers too. I definitely agree with you about citizen journalism (CJ) allowing different points of view, I am excited about CJ as it enables people that may have been ostracised by traditional media platforms to tell their story!!


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